Sunday, December 29, 2019

Divorce Argument Essay - 888 Words

Divorce has progressively become a common procedure worldwide, affecting not only parents and their offspring, but also the communities that surround the family unit, and consequently presenting a terrifying threat for the affected child. Nonetheless, regardless of the conventionality of divorce, it persists to affect various aspects of childrens daily lives and rituals. Children and adolescents are consequently deprived of a customary and stable family upbringing and thus suffer the disadvantages of a single-parent family structure. Divorce can be signified as a common legal procedure for the dissolution of a marriage, which ultimately results in the separation of two parents and inevitable division of property and final custodial†¦show more content†¦Divorce can significantly result in, higher rates of school dropout, teenage pregnancy, [and] juvenile delinquency (Berlin, CYBRARY). Children habitually imitate their parents behavior and following a major life change such as divorce, they may attempt to release their withdrawn emotions through anger and participating in illegal activity. An opposing viewpoint contradicts my perspectives on the detrimental impacts divorce poses for children and adolescents in particular. Certain theories suggest that divorce is necessary and beneficial in providing relief to children who experience negativity and depression as a result of conflict within the family unit. This argument maintains that divorce does not harm children, who in fact engage in delinquent acts whilst cohabiting with their struggling parents in a violent atmosphere. The Journal of Youth and Adolescence manifests that divorce does not damage a childs existence as, being exposed to conflict within the family in the form of arguments and violence is positively related to feelings of anger and depressed mood among adolescents (LIRN). The various authors of this complex article attempt to clarify that there is a definite correlation between depression and anger as well as family conflict. The article distinguishes that divorce does not harm children but in actuality provides relief from continuous turmoil and an oppressive environment. ThisShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Tony Hilfer s `` Marriage And Divorce ``894 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Å"Marriage and Divorce in America† by Tony Hilfer is an effectively constructed argument. Therefore, it is a good, reliable source. While within an essay there are many claims, Hilfer’s main claim is that marriage and divorce are both a part of American values. This is difficult to understand because it is not an explicitly stated thesis to his writing. However, as every statement comes back to that idea, it is the central claim. 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